wanna read my master thesis?? ha ha!!
1a) I'm your prime subject!! Self censors? Sometimes. Writes with a few people in mind and totally forgets EVERYONE can see? A lot of the time. ;)
2a) FYI my project last spring. Everyone has a perception of imagined audience.
1b) Do you? Or are you so in tune with it because you've studied it and so good at dividing your friends into groups?
2b) do I self censur? Oh yes. I am very much aware of my self presentation. But I also lock status updates. I am aware of who can see my status updates and who cant. Not just because of privacy - but for an instance, very few english speaking can see my status updates unless i choose it that way because I mainly post in Danish, and I dont want to bother them, and I dont want complaints from them that I write in my native language and they cant understand.
3) Every single day!! But then again, I have posted something then deleted it more than I care to count!!
1c) I've done that too!!
2c) why do you delete?
1d) Because I don't wish to offend. Honest answer... And a lot of times I offend anyway... hahahahaha!
3a) More often than not, because I'm afraid of hurting someone's feelings and regretting it. I spout off at the mouth enough, I don't need a written record to remind me. :(
2d) so is it status updates you write before you think and then you delete it.. like a spur of the moment kind of thing? and why not just lock your status update so that person or those people cant see it?
1e) I don't because I'm too lazy... Sad, but true...
3b) It's usually heat of the moment....for instance, I get mad at my hubsands ex-wife for something that happened with the kids (who I have more than anyone else). She is not on my friends list, but there are people that know her that are and it can get back to her. I can't vent to the girls, and if he isn't home, I can't vent to him, so it comes out on FaceBook. Then I think about it for a while, and realize I'm being childish and delete the post. Something I'm trying to get better at.
4) FB is the best thing that ever happened to me when it comes to curbing my to often caustic tongue.
1f) It's harder for me to curb my tongue on facebook because it's "anonymous"--in other words, I'm not talking directly to a person. It's so much easier to feel compassion and kindness towards a person when you are with them in person.
5) Absolutely! I've typed out really pissy statuses, and sometimes even posted them, and then deleted them.
6) say what you want, why have an internet otherwise?
7) I just erased a whole comment from one of j. posts about newt gingrinch wanting applause. It involved the suggestion that he just wanted his cheerleaders cuz they were girlfriends and what not. Really tacky. I'm glad I erased it. I'm gonna hit post now, tho.
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