Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Diskussioner #2

1) Who else "self-censors" on facebook? I don't know how many times I've started to write a status update--or even written it and almost posted-- and thought, "better not"... ;)

2) (mig) wanna read my master thesis?? ha ha!!

1a) I'm your prime subject!! Self censors? Sometimes. Writes with a few people in mind and totally forgets EVERYONE can see? A lot of the time. ;)

2a) FYI my project last spring. Everyone has a perception of imagined audience.

1b)  Do you? Or are you so in tune with it because you've studied it and so good at dividing your friends into groups?

2b) do I self censur? Oh yes. I am very much aware of my self presentation. But I also lock status updates. I am aware of who can see my status updates and who cant. Not just because of privacy - but for an instance, very few english speaking can see my status updates unless i choose it that way because I mainly post in Danish, and I dont want to bother them, and I dont want complaints from them that I write in my native language and they cant understand. 

3) Every single day!! But then again, I have posted something then deleted it more than I care to count!! 

1c) I've done that too!!

2c) why do you delete?

1d) Because I don't wish to offend. Honest answer... And a lot of times I offend anyway... hahahahaha!

3a) More often than not, because I'm afraid of hurting someone's feelings and regretting it. I spout off at the mouth enough, I don't need a written record to remind me. :(

2d) so is it status updates you write before you think and then you delete it.. like a spur of the moment kind of thing? and why not just lock your status update so that person or those people cant see it?

1e) I don't because I'm too lazy... Sad, but true...

3b) It's usually heat of the moment....for instance, I get mad at my hubsands ex-wife for something that happened with the kids (who I have more than anyone else). She is not on my friends list, but there are people that know her that are and it can get back to her. I can't vent to the girls, and if he isn't home, I can't vent to him, so it comes out on FaceBook. Then I think about it for a while, and realize I'm being childish and delete the post. Something I'm trying to get better at.   

4) FB is the best thing that ever happened to me when it comes to curbing my to often caustic tongue.

1f) It's harder for me to curb my tongue on facebook because it's "anonymous"--in other words, I'm not talking directly to a person. It's so much easier to feel compassion and kindness towards a person when you are with them in person.

5) Absolutely! I've typed out really pissy statuses, and sometimes even posted them, and then deleted them.

6) say what you want, why have an internet otherwise?

7) I just erased a whole comment from one of j. posts about newt gingrinch wanting applause. It involved the suggestion that he just wanted his cheerleaders cuz they were girlfriends and what not. Really tacky. I'm glad I erased it. I'm gonna hit post now, tho.     

Diskussioner som mit speciale har affødet #1

Mit speciale har i løbet af det halve år, det har været undervejs, affødt et par diskussioner på Facebook.

Her er den første:

 1) Some things I like about the new facebook, and somethings I really dislike. I don't like the overexposure possible; for instance, being able to see what a friend likes/comments on in relationship to someone you are not friends with. It was always possible to see if you wanted to make the effort to go to a friend's page, but now it just feels more like a violation of privacy. Anyone else feel this way?

2)  That also means that people you are deliberately not friends with for one reason or another can keep up with you if you have a mutual friend. Kind of defeats the purpose.

1 a) I know--and if you're obsessive like me you feel the pull to read EVERYTHING on the ticker. It's kind of exhausting...

3) I have a hard enough time focusing on one thing as it is. This is too much for me.

4) Contrarian that I am, I am a little bemused by people's preoccupation with privacy on a social networking site with hundreds of millions of members. Perhaps exercising prior restraint and discretion concerning ones online footprint are best. But that's me.

1b)  4. it's kind of like high school where you have a "group" of friends, but sometimes don't realize that there are other people aware of/watching you. I'm pretty selective of my friends and only accepted a few with reservations. Kind of weird that THEIR friends--who I don't know--can see photos/status updates, etc. I'm a prime example of posting things generally when they're intended for a certain group--just weird to get used to.

5)  (mig) 1 and 2 actually that is not true. The people you have chosen to view your complete profile such as tagging, status updates etc. can also follow you in the ticker. The rest can't... So if you see a bunch of people in the ticker.. that means they have granted you access to their complete profile.

1 c) Oh! So when I see a friend commenting on one of THEIR friend's, it is because their friend has allowed it? If so, that makes me feel MUCH better...

5 a) yes. that is why i have always stressed the custom edit to you...

1d) Well, I put only friends to see my things--so I should be safe?

5b) no you are not. because you allow your friends to view your comments on other people's status (on your wall) don't you?

4a)  I can see that, but I suppose i'm just a different breed of cat. I just don't give a damn what other people think of what I do or say in a public setting, so I don't concern myself with it. I guess I just figure if a friend of a friend of a co-worker is that effected by my witty commentary, then either I'm incredibly funny, or they desperately need a hobby. I just assume that anything I say or do beyond the confines of my home is fair game. Besides, I couldn't give a crap what people think. But again, that's me. :)

2a) Guess I need to review the privacy rules. I don't pay as much attention to them as I should.


Friday, January 6, 2012

13. spørgsmål: Mister du nogensinde overblikket?

I dag stilte jeg følgende spørgsmål: Mister du somme tider overblikket på Facebook? Hvordan/hvad sker der? Hvad fik dig til at miste overblikket?

1) nej - men kan godt nogle gange savner der sker lidt mere. Der er for meget censur på det der kommer igennem til mig ...

2) Ja, specielt nu med den nye profil / timeline eller hvad det hedder. Synes den pt. er uoverskuelig at finde rundt i. Derudover kan man til tider være i tvivl om hvem der kan se hvad (hvilket bevirker at jeg går ud fra at alle kan læse alt).

3) Jeg kan miste overblikket hvis der pludselig bliver ændret i layoutet. Som nu det nye med tidslinjen - hvad er nu lige det for noget?!? - Jeg skal lige vænne mig til det/sætte mig mere ind i det, før det bliver integreret hos mig.

4) Eeh? Nu er Facebook jo ikke rocket science...KAN man miste overbikket herinde?!?

5) Heller ikke mig, nogle gange når de har lavet om skal jeg da lige lede efter visse ting. men klare den lige :)   

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

12. spørgsmål: Hvad bruger du Facebook til?

I dag har jeg stillet følgende spørgsmål:

Hvad betyder Facebook for dig? Hvad bruger du det til?

Dette er følgende svar jeg har modtaget:

1) Jeg bruger facebook til at holde kontakt med venner og bekendte. Til at dele begivenheder i mit liv. Jeg bruger til en vis grad også Facebook til at netværke professionelt.

2) Jeg bruger Facebook til at holde kontakt med venner, men også for at kunne følge med i lidt perifere bekendskaber. Synes også Facebook er god, når man skal deltage/invitere til begivender eller andet.

3) Jeg bruger Facebook til mange ting. Bla. At opretholde forbindelse til gamle venner/bekendte/kollager (nogle mere end andre).- Til at huske på folk fødselsdage = sende dem en glad fødselsdagshilsen, hvis De vel og mærke er tilføjet med dato.... - Til at følge med i forskellige aktiviteter = deltager dog kun i en lille udkast af alle de mange tilbud. - Til at chatte med vennerne (nok mest hvis jeg keder mig) - og ellers til at være lidt nysgerrig. Det kan jeg/man nok ikke helt sige sig fri for. 

4) Facebook er for mig primært et socialt samlingssted, hvor jeg kan holde mig opdateret på de folk jeg holder af, og også selv opdatere folk lidt om hvad der sker i mit liv. Derudover er det jo altid lækkert at få serveret folks fødselsdagsdatoer når man ikke er et struktureret menneske. Jeg synes fb kan være med til at optimere "virkelige" relationer til folk irl. Blandt andet fordi man oftere har samtaleemner, idet man er mere opdateret